Leibniz Center for Science and Society The LCSS News
The T-PATHS project team has been nominated for the North German Science Award!

The T-PATHS project team has been nominated for the North German Science Award!

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Every two years, the North German Science Prize is awarded by the science ministries of the northern German states. For 2024, transnational research projects from the humanities and social sciences were called. With the T-NORTH project, the joint project of the LCSS at Leibniz Universität Hannover and Universität Hamburg is one of four nominated projects in the finals. Three of the researchers are at the LCSS: Anna Kosmützky, Lisa Walther and Laura Lüchtefeld.

The T-NORTH project is directly linked to the ongoing T-PATHS project and uses organizational sociological case studies on cooperation chains and transfer paths of North German universities to address the central question: How does knowledge transfer succeed in biomedical research?

The award ceremony will take place on 4 December 2024 at the Landesmuseum Hannover.

Further information can be found at: https://www.mwk.niedersachsen.de/startseite/aktuelles/presseinformationen/vier-projekte-fur-norddeutschen-wissenschaftspreis-2024-nominiert-236916.html