Leibniz Center for Science and Society Events
DZHW-LCSS Research Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Tymofii Brik
29 Aug
29. Aug. 2022 | 16:15 - 17:30
DZHW-LCSS Forschungskolloquium

DZHW-LCSS Research Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Tymofii Brik

Coronavirus conspiracy beliefs and distrust of science predict risky public health behaviours through optimistically biased risk perceptions in Ukraine, Turkey, and Germany


Prof. Dr. Tymofii Brik, Kyiv School of Economics

Event organiser/s

The DZHW-LCSS Research Colloquium offers researchers from the DZHW, the LCSS and the LUH as well as external guests the opportunity to present their research results in the field of science and higher education research. The target group of the joint colloquium is science and higher education researchers from all disciplines and qualification phases; students are also cordially invited to attend.


This event is online. Follow this LINK.


29. Aug. 2022
16:15 - 17:30