New Varieties of Professorships

Professorships can be regarded as archetypical elements of higher education institutions as well as small institutions, i.e. historically long-lived, unquestioned role and structure patterns. This small institution is integrated into the university organisation in the form of a position. In Germany, the professorship is the most important type of position in the system of higher education at all.

However, there are indications that this relatively homogeneous position has undergone processes of differentiation and has developed new structural features over a long period of time: There are differences in the level of W-salary between the German Länder and variations of working conditions between higher education institutions (e.g. task portfolio, financial provisions and infrastructure, professorships on probation or temporary professorships). Higher education laws include new terms and concepts such as research professorships, teaching professorships, junior professorships, and qualification professorships (the latter in Hesse) can be found in higher education laws. Young academic professorships have been established at universities of applied sciences (for example in North Rhine-Westphalia), senior professorships (for example in Bavaria, Hesse, and Lower Saxony) at different types of higher education institutions. A series of federal and state programs has supported the creation of new professorships and/or the appointment of professorships depending on certain characteristics, such as the Excellence Initiative, the Female Professors Program and the Program for the Promotion of Young Academics creating 1,000 ten-ure track professorships at state universities. In addition, there are endowed professorships of various external sources, joint appointments between universities and non-university research institutions, and shared professorships in cooperation between higher education institutions and companies (for example in Baden-Württemberg). Denominations of professorships point to an increasing relevance of interdisciplinarity, but Open Topic procedures without a fixed denomina-tion have been implemented as well (for example at TU Dresden).

To date, hardly any research has dealt with the questions which new types of professorships are actually emerging, and what are the reasons and consequences for this development.


Project Period:01.04.2018 - 30.09.2019
Project Lead:Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans, Prof. Dr. iur. Volker Epping, PD Dr. Bernd Kleimann
Project Members:Roni Deger, Thorben Sembritzki