Research Projects


BMBF Project: Knowledge Transfer on Cooperation Paths - Subproject Types, Contextual Conditions, and Potential for Interventions (T-PATHS)

How does knowledge transfer from basic research to application succeed? The project "Transfer Paths" (T-PATHS) addresses this question and takes a inventory of types of transfer pathways, their contextual conditions and interventions. While previous studies mainly analyze bilateral knowledge transfer between two or a few partners, our analysis focuses on longer transfer paths. In our understanding, these develop where chains of cooperation from basic research to application are repeated and make a relevant contribution to knowledge transfer. Our goal in the T-PATHS project is to make such chains of cooperation and cooperation paths visible in the natural and engineering sciences, including medicine in Germany, and to identify frequently frequented cooperation paths. (01.08.2022-31.07.2025)

DFG Project: Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Po­si­tio­n­ing of Uni­ver­si­ties and their Mem­bers

The project investigates the competitive positioning of researchers in relation to the competitive positioning of their universities. The competitive positioning of universities includes differences in performance and status as well as competitive ambitions and strategies concerning reputation, resources and talent.  As strategic organizational actors universities may differ in their competitive ambitions and positional strategies in various fields of competition. The competitive positioning of university members are their self-descriptions that refer to the competition for reputation, resources, and positions and the behavior of competitors. The central hypothesis of the project is that the competitive positioning of researchers in the context of multiple competition varies not only depending on the respective scientific community but also depending on the competitive organizational positioning of their universities. The subproject examines this hypothesis in a qualitative research design. It analyses the competitive positioning of six German universities based on document analyses and interviews with university leadership and relates them to the competitive orientation of researchers, which are analyzed based on websites, CVs, and interviews. The second funding period of the research group will include international comparisons.


  • "Q-KNOW - Relational Quality - Developing Quality through Collaborative Networks and Collaboration Portfolios", (06/2019 - 12/2022), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

  • „MOOCs after the Goldrush: What kind of influence fo open digital teaching formats have on the provider structure and business models in tertiary education? (MOOC AG)“, (10/2017–03/2019), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • „Practice and Prerequisites of International Collaborative Research“, (02/2016–12/2017), INCHER-Kassel Innovation Fond
  • „Potential and Employment Conditions of Early Career Researchers“, (06/2015–03/2016), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  •  „Indicator Model for the Reporting on Early Career Researchers“, (10/2013– 09/2014), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 
  • „Institutional and Organization Change of German Universities: An Analysis Based on Organizational Charts“, (01/2012–10/2012), University of Kassel, Innovation Fond
  • „Research in German Universities and their Relevance for the National Innovation System“, (11/2010–04/2011), Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI)
  • „Change in Networks, Higher Education and Knowledge Societies“ (CINHEKS), (10/2009–12/2011), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und European Science Foundation (ESF)